Thursday, June 25, 2009

Headlines of the Future

Just In Case You Miss Them When They Come

"Unemployment Hits 12%; Obama Says, 'Bush Economy Worse Than Expected'"

"Tax Revenues Fall Short of Expectations, Obama Blames Bush"

"Government Healthcare Costs Soar, Obama Orders 'More Selective Surgery', Blames Bush'"

"While Iraq Spirals into Chaos, Obama Renews Apologies to Al Qaeda and Iran, Blames Bush"

"GM Revenues Fall for Seventh Consecutive Quarter, UAW at Odds with Ford"

"CitiGroup Hemorrhaging Top Talent, Pay Czar Compensation Limits to Blame"

"Obama Wages Heroic Battle to Suppress Disclosure of Birth Documents"

"Chinese Currency Displaces Dollar as World Standard"

"Obama Praises Iranian Clerics for Robust Debate with Dissidents"

"Senator (name withheld) Accused of Corruption; Senator Had Challenged Creation of Unelected, Anointed Czars"

"China Refuses to Purchase American Debt; Obama Says Please"

"China Seizes Taiwan, Obama Apologizes for Previous U. S. Intervention/China Purchases American Debt"

"Tourism Flourishes in Havana, Cuban-Americans Return to the GOP"

"California Abolishes State Welfare, Illegal Immigrants Flee to Neighboring States"

Who Would Ever Buy a GM?

Why Would GM Ever Make a Good Vehicle? No Need Anymore...

Now that GM is owned by the federal government and the UAW (I can't think of two worse owner groups for a car company to be successful, btw), I have to wonder: who in their right mind would ever buy a GM vehicle? No doubt, the government will continually supply extra taxpayer dollars to make up for the losses for this permanent ward of the State, but if left to compete on a level playing field, I can't think of any attraction to purchasing a vehicle from such an inert, corrupt entity. No doubt the government will attempt to provide GM unfair advantages (now *that's* a great thing, ain't it?), but if I were Ford Motor Co., I would claim the mantle of "All American" car company with the greatest, most sustained ad campaign in industry history.

The auto giants should have been allowed to remain independent and work out its issues through bankruptcy. The claim that "jobs were saved" is a straw man and is patently false. In bankruptcy, the company would most likely be legally empowered to tear up the collective bargaining agreements and other debt instruments, restructure, and come back a vastly healthier beast. That would result in the UAW taking it in the shorts, which is exactly why Obama illegally seized these companies; payback for political allies.

What's going to happen when Ford needs to renegotiate its agreement with the UAW, owners of their primary competition? I expect we'll see a slow motion 2 step, where on the one hand the government starts to provide GM and Chrysler unfair advantages that leverage taxpayer dollars, while on the other hand the UAW stalls contract negotiations, fights and strikes against Ford. Slow motion so that UAW workers can migrate in an orderly fashion from Ford to the the government car companies until the time is right to kill this last great American car company.

Ford is still controlled by the Ford Family. They decided last year to put it all on the line for the company's best interest. Root for the Fords; they are true Americans! Buy Ford, screw GM!